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Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library

Who We Are

The Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library is located at 317 First Monday Lane (Hwy. 859) in Canton,Texas 75103.   The Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library serves all residents of the county free of charge except for fines.

The collection of materials includes over 40,000 books, and 2,700 audio and video tapes, CD's and DVD's  available for check-out.

In total, over 44,000 items were checked out of the system during the year 2012!  In addition,  during the same time period, approximately 22,500 people entered the library to check out books, DVDs,videos and audios as well as utilize electronic reference resources, by accessing the Internet through the Library’s public computers and also accessing their e-mail accounts. 

Our friendly and professional staff is eager to serve you. Welcome to the Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library!

Our Mission

The library is the integral resource in the flow and management of information for Van Zandt County.  It is the policy of this library to develop and offer superior service in its collection and technology, reflecting concern for all citizens to receive cultural, recreational, and educational information which will benefit and empower the residents of this county.  Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library rigorously upholds the principles of equal access and assistance for all residents, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin or religion.

Our Vision

The Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library is the county learning center, offering to all who wish to avail themselves of its services, the most advanced resources available locally.  It is the first source that citizens turn to seeking answers to their questions and for information that will empower their lives.

With technology at the forefront of information gathering, the library provides a world of knowledge on every subject, unlimited in scope.  The library is the front line resource that citizens can link to, electronically, in their homes or businesses, or in person, in order to access this world.

Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library Internet & Computer Policy

Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library provides internet service  to all patrons in good standing (no fines or overdue items).  As with all library materials, there are limits and restrictions. To use a Library computer or access our Free WIFI, you must have a current library card. Printing is available at .15 black and white and  .25 color each page and you must pay for all pages printed even if it is an accident.

  • Patrons must sign in for each computer use - First-come, first-serve basis for a 45-minute limit.  If no one is waiting, time may be extended.  One computer per family when someone is waiting. Parents and guardian must sit with children under the age of 12 and in the library for all children under 18. There is NO filtering software on our computers and by allowing your child to use our computers you are taking responsibility for all sites your child visits.
  • Persons under 18 years of age may not use the computer unless accompanied by an adult.
  • No personal software may be installed on Library computers.You may bring a flash drive to use on our computers but you may not install ANY programs to our computers including any auto-run encryption/password launcer. The Library is not responsible for any damage to your device.
  • Activities that violate approved usage will not be accepted on Library computers or your personal laptop. These include:

                a.  Viewing sexually explicit or graphically violent photographs

                b.  Tampering with Library  hardware or software

                c.  Violating copyright laws

                d.  Harassment of library patrons or employees

                e.  Behaviors that are disruptive or inappropriate

Library staff can confirm that the wireless network if functioning properly and give basic assistance. The Staff cannot assist in setting up your personal laptop for wireless access. The staff may monitor usage to ensure compliance with the above.

    Non-compliance may result in withdrawal of library privileges.


Warning:  Under Section 215 of the Federal USA Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56), records of the books and other materials you borrow from this library may be obtained by federal agents.  Federal agents may also track your personal Internet usage on library computers.  This federal law prohibits librarians from informing you if federal agents have obtained records about you.

Buchanan Room Meeting Policy

It will be necessary for groups using the Buchanan meeting room of the library to sign a Meeting Room Reservation agreement at the beginning of each new year.  Each group representative responsible for signing the agreement is urged to read it carefully and encourage the group to abide by the rules set forth in the agreement.  Also, there will be a checklist available for each group each time of their meeting in order to provide a guideline for proper procedure for using and leaving the meeting room in appropriate condition.

A. The meeting room is intended for regular, pre-arranged usuage of library activites such as story hour, book reviews and or book signings, Friends Meetings, Advisory Board Meetings, Genealogy Society Meetings, workshops, etc.

B. The meeting room may be reserved for non-library related activities during regula and non-library hours if there is no conflict with regular usage of the groups stated above and with the approval of the Friends of the Library designated committee and meeting the following conditions and fees:

1.  No meeting shall be disruptive to the library or library patrons. 

2. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited at all times in the building and on the grounds.

3. Meetings held during operational hours should conclude and the room be cleaned 30 minutes before the library closes.

4. Attendance is limited to 100.

5. Library staff is not responsible for arrangement of furniture, decorations or your equipment. Staff does not do clean-up. Set-up and clean-up are the responsibility of  sponsoring organization. If refreshments are served, the kitchen is to be cleaned, all food items removed and the trash removed and disposed of. All items needed by the renting organization are to be furnished by them, including paper products and trash bags. Trash is to be place outside in the trash receptacle. Library trash bags or cans are not to be used.

6. The party signing the reservations form is responsible for any damage to the room, furnishings or equipment. Children must be supervised at all times by adults of renting party. The library staff is not responsible for unsupervised children.

7. Electronic equipment may be used; provided a competent operator is available and prior permission has been given by the staff.

8.The library nor the staff are liable for any loss, accident, or injury to persons or property caused by the groups occupancy of the room or the use of the library facility.


1. Non-Profit Groups

A. No fees charged for non-profits that are sponsored by the library. The room must be clean and in good order when leaving or privilege will be withdrawn.

B. Non-library sponsored non-profits will be charged a $25.00 fee which may be waived at the discrection of the director.

2. Other Groups

A. The room is available during regular library hours for a $50.00 fee provided there are no conflicts with regularly sponsored programs and upon approval by the designated Friends of the Library committee or representative.

B. After library hours, the room usage fee is $50.00. After hours a designated person, the Director, Staff or Committee Person must be present to open, close and lock up. The afterhour's person must be paid by the organization a fee of $10.00 per hour for the hours reserved by the user.  The payment is to be  made in cash and must be paid when the room is reserved.

C. A deposit of $ 50.00 cash, in advance, is required to reserve the room. This deposit will be returned in cash 2 days following the event if the room meets with acceptable cleanliness after inspection. Any damage to the furniture, equipment or carpet shall be charged on an individual basis. This applies to everyone using the facilities.

D. Failure to use the room will forfeit the doposit.

E. Failure to give 2 days notice in advance of non-use will forfeit the deposit. 

Meeting Room Reservation forms are available from the library staff.

Library Cards

To obtain a library card, a valid picture ID will be required. You must be a resident of Van Zandt County or show proof that you work in the county. If the current address is not on the picture ID, proof will be needed in some other form such as a utility bill,  printed checks, postmarked mail, or other identifying document.

Two (2) references, persons who live in Van Zandt County who are not related to the applicant, with phone numbers, are required for the issuance of a library card.  If applicant does not have a phone, a third reference will be required.

Children from the ages of 6 through 17 need a parent's or guardian's signature on the application form in order to obtain their own card.  Parent/Guardian must have a library card.

Initial library cards are free; however, a replacement card costs $3.00.

The cardholder is responsible for all materials checked out on his/her card.  It is the responsibility of the cardholder to report any lost or stolen cards to the library; this should be done as soon as the cardholder is aware of the loss.

All circulation records are private and confidential.  This includes children's records as well as adults.

Only two books will be checked out on a new card.  This applies to the first checkout only.

Checking Out

You must have your library card with you in order to check out any materials.  The checkout period is for two weeks for books and audios.  Most items may be rechecked; however, new "bestseller" items or items for which someone else has designated a "reserve" may not be rechecked.  All items must be brought to the library in order to have them rechecked.

Videos check out for seven days.  There is a limit of five (5) videos per family.

The library is not responsible for damage done to equipment through the use of the library's video materials.  Patrons are responsible for any limitations on the use of videos including duplications, distribution and viewing rights.  Children are allowed to check out videos.  However, it is the parent's responsibility, and not the library's in the selection of their children's videos. No Rated R videos will be checked out to anyone under age 17.

Reference materials do not check out for any reason.


Fines are determined for books at $0.15 per day per book, audios $0.15 per day per audio, and videos are $1.00 per day per video.  There are maximum fines established so that the fine will not exceed the cost of the material.

Borrowing privileges will be revoked if the borrower has fines exceeding $5.00.  If a child's card has exceeded the fine limit, the parent who signed the child's application is responsible for the fines and will be barred also.  Other family members will also be barred until the fines are cleared.

If an item has been deemed lost, the patron is responsible for the payment of the lost item.  There will be no refunds issued for items paid for and later found.

If a fine is in dispute, that will be noted in the computer system.  This library will only allow the patron one fine disagreement.  All other fines must be paid or the patron will be barred and library privileges suspended.


Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library's usage is intended to be an information resource; but, as with all library materials or resources, there are limits and restrictions pertaining to its use.

Appropriate Usage:

Obtaining information for research, entertainment, knowledge, communication, business, etc. is the objective of the library for its patrons.  In order to protect the library, library materials, and the learning atmosphere, certain behaviors will be restricted or prohibited in the Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library by Library Advisory Board Policy.

Inappropriate Usage:

Individuals or groups viewing typically restricted material such as sexually explicit or graphically violent scenes shall be prohibited in open public areas of the library.

Activities in violation of approved usage are:

     a.  attempting unauthorized access to restricted  systems

     b.  tampering with hardware or software

     c.  violating copyright laws

     d.  harassment of library patrons or employees

     e.  behaviors that are disruptive or considered inappropriate by the library staff

To effectively implement these policies, these rules apply:


Use of computer is assigned on a first-come first-serve basis for a 45-minute limit.  If no one is waiting, time may be extended.

Users must be library card holders, and must sign in for each use.

Persons under 18 years of age may not use the computer for Internet use unless accompanied by an adult.

Printers are available for patron use at the posted charge.

To protect publicly-owned equipment, no personal software may be used.   

Staff may monitor usage to ensure compliance.  Non-compliance may results in withdrawal of library privileges.

Email at the library does not offer electronic accounts.